Friday, July 6, 2012

Biology I Science Songs

Macromolecules (to Usher Raymond’s OMG)

Carbs are made of glucose
Energy is so sweet
Lipids or triglycerides
Fatty acid chains in your seat
Proteins are amino acids
Peptides make you buff
Nucleic acids; nucleotides, keep all of your genetic stuff

Macromolecules (3x)
Break it down
C-H-O (3x)
That’s my carb


Do the PMAT (4x)
Prophase Tighten Up
Metaphase Line up
Anaphase Separate
Telophase Relax
Do the PMAT (4x)

Vascular Tissue Rap (to Teach Me How to Dougie)

Vascular is transport
Vascular is transport
Xylem and the phloem
Xylem, xylem and the phloem

Vascular is transport
Vascular is transport
Xylem and the phloem
Xylem, xylem and the phloem

Xylem takes up water from the roots to the leaves
It’s stuck in the middle of some plants including trees
Phloem flows with food from the leaves to all around
It carries all that glucose from the top down to the ground

Vascular is transport
Vascular is transport
Xylem and the phloem
Xylem, xylem and the phloem

Vascular is transport
Vascular is transport
Xylem and the phloem
Xylem, xylem and the phloem

Mix the Enzymes In(to D.J. Khaled’s All I Do Is Win)

Some stuff that’s in my body’s breaking down no matter what
Trying to change a substrate into a product
And every time an enzyme’s in the mixture
Rate reaction will go up
Energy goes down (3x)
Up down
Up down
Up down
Mix the enzymes in, in, in
The substrates used up
Changed into a product
Enzyme’s still there!

Cellular Respiration(to Justin Beiber’s Baby)

You take the glucose
Swallow it down
C6H12O6 is in town
You need some O2
That’s oxygen
So the respiration party can begin

Now do the flip side
Girl just switch it
Take some water
Then you mix it
With some CO2 and see to your surprise
This photosynthesis thing ain’t no lie

And I was like
H2-  H2-H2O
Just CO2 and H2O
We’ll make some oxygen that’s O
And all the sugar is mine, mine

H2-  H2-H2O
Just CO2 and H2O
We’ll make some oxygen that’s O
And all the sugar is mine, mine

Photosynthesis (to Pretty Boy Swag)

right here
 is photosynthesis
Shine sunlight
 on the chloroplast
to begin the process
Make oxygen
And glucose
For all of us to eat
Aerobic respiration
Makes 36 ATP


Atom Family (to Addam’s Family Theme Song)

There’s positive protons
Neutral neutrons
Negative electrons
The Atom family


They make up matter
That’s mass and volume
Add and electron
Negative charge
Now it’s an ion

That makes up matter
That’s mass and volume
Take and electron
Positive charge
Now it’s an ion

There’s positive protons
Neutral neutrons
Negative electrons
The Atom family

Cell Organelles (to Just Got Paid)

There’s some things---In the cells
They are called---Organelles

The nucleus---Holds your DNA
It is why you---Look this way
Mitochondria---Makes ATP
It provides the---energy
Vacuoles---Hold water and waste
The cell membrane---Keeps the traffic straight
Ribosomes—make the proteins
Lysosomes---keep animal cells clean
ER can be ---rough or smooth
It is how the---proteins move
Golgi Bodies---package them so
They can go where---they have to go
Cytoskeleton---give animal cells shape
Cell walls in plants---do the same

There’s some things---In the cells
They are called---Organelles

Super Bases (to Nikki Minaj Super Bass)

Don’t you know that Watson and his partner Crick one day
Discovered DNA’s
Structure looks like a spiral staircase
Until the helicase
Helps it to unwind and separate
And if it replicates
Then the DNA polymerase
Reads and it pairs the base

G goes with C
A goes with T
G goes with C
A goes with T
Su-su-super base
Found in DNA

Don’t you know that DNA’s transcribed to RNA
But pairs a U with A
Three types and each performs a different way
M takes the code, T helps it to translate
3 codons read the base

G goes with C
A goes with U
G goes with C
A goes with U
Su-su-super base
Found in RNA

Just A Minute

I have only just a minute
Only 60 seconds in it
Forced upon me
Can’t refuse it

Didn’t seek it
Didn’t choose it
But it’s up to me to use it
I must suffer if I lose it
Give account if I abuse it
Just a tiny little minute
But Eternity is in it

Future Leaders of the World
     (Future Leaders of the World)
Future Leaders of the World
     (Future Leaders of the World)
What do we want?
When do we want it?
What do we want?
When do we want it?
