Monday, August 27, 2012

Biology I Unit II Vocabulary Words

Unit Two Vocabulary
Week One Vocab
Adhesion: When something sticks to other things
Buffer: something that prevents or slows change
Cohesion: When something sticks to itself
Heat Capacity: How much energy it takes to heat up a substance (the higher, the most energy it takes)
Solute: The substance that dissolves into the solvent
Solvent: What the solute dissolves into

Week Two Vocab (Elements):
Carbon                                                                                 C                                                             
Hydrogen                                                                           H                                                             
Oxygen                                                                                O                                                            
Nitrogen                                                                             N                                                            
Phosphorus                                                                       P
Sulfur                                                                                   S

Week Three Vocab (Latin Prefixes):
A-                                                                                           not, without                                       Asexual
Anti-                                                                                      opposite/against                              Anti-bacterial
Di-                                                                                          two                                                        Disaccharide
Inter-                                                                                    between                                              Interactions
Un-                                                                                        not                                                         Unattractive
Uni-                                                                                       one                                                        Unicycle

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